BMW Univers al BluetoothTM
Hands-Free S ys tem (ULF)
Owner’s Manual
P/N 84 11 0 302 638
Universal BluetoothTM Hands-Free System (ULF)
Conte nts
What is BluetoothTM
Data and Voice
BluetoothTM Enabled Phones
Advantages of the ULF System
System Overview
ULF Control Module
Oddment Tray
Pairing Button
BluetoothTM Antenna
System Operation
Initial Operation
Pairing Procedure
System Functions
Indicator Lamps
Adopting Telephone Book
Placing A Call
Receiving/Accepting a Call
Conducting a Call
Ending a Call
Transfer Active Call From Phone to ULF
Transfer Active Call From ULF to Phone
Linking Several BluetoothTM Mobile Phones
Deleting Devices
Universal BluetoothTM Hands-Free System (ULF)
The BMW Universal BluetoothTM Hands-Free System (ULF) utilizes BluetoothTM
wireless technology to enable a wireless connection to be established between a
BluetoothTM enabled mobile phone and the ULF Control Module installed in the
vehicle. The combination of these components results in a new generation of in-
vehicle phone system.
The ULF Control Module forms an interface that allows a mobile phone with the
embedded BluetoothTM wireless technology feature to be wirelessly integrated into
the vehicle. For the first time BMW is introducing a new generation hands-free
telephone system kit that provides the customer with the option of using various
BluetoothTM enabled mobile phones (a list of recommended phones is available
from your BMW Center).
5 Series (E39) - With Oddment Tray
What is BluetoothTM?
The name BluetoothTM is derived from the Danish King Harald Bluetooth who lived
in the 10th century. He was well known for his ability to unify his kingdom and
today lends his name to a wireless technology standard that can connect/unify
various electronic devices that are BluetoothTM enabled and located within a short
range (approx. 10 m or 32.8 ft) of each other.
BluetoothTM wireless technology is a short-range radio frequency technology
standard that allows several devices to communicate with each other
simultaneously. The standard indicates that up to seven simultaneous
connections can be established and maintained at one time, as long as the
connected devices are within a range of 10 m (32.8 ft).
Note: The ULF system will allow four phones to be paired to the system at a time
and only allow one phone to be connected at a time.
Universal BluetoothTM Hands-Free System (ULF)
Wireless Communication
Communication/S ecurity
The system uses the license-free, global Industrial Scientific Medical band (ISM)
at 2.45 GHz. This frequency range from 2.402 GHz to 2.480 GHz is subdivided
into 79 channels with a 1 MHz bandwidth.
Signals transmitted through the airways can be scrambled and unscrambled to
enhance communication security. With BluetoothTM technology, communication
frequencies are changed 1600 times per second to reduce the risk of
interference or interception of the transmitted signal. The relatively small
operating range of approx. 10 m (32.8 ft) also enhances the security of this
technology, since tampering with the transmitted data is only possible when
inside the 10 m (32.8 ft) wireless “network”.
To further enhance the security of this short-range wireless network the ULF
system requires a pairing procedure to be carried out for each device that will be
introduced into the network. As part of this procedure a required passkey must
be entered once (during the initial pairing procedure) to establish a secure
connection between the phone and the ULF Control Module.
Data and Voice
BluetoothTM was developed for the transmission of both voice as well as data. A
bandwidth of approx. 1 MB/s is available for this purpose.
BluetoothTM Enabled Phones
Ideally all phones that are BluetoothTM enabled should work with the ULF
system, however not all phones utilize the same profiles and therefore may not
be recognized by the ULF System. A lis t of recommended BluetoothTM enabled
phones is available from your BMW Center.
Universal BluetoothTM Hands-Free System (ULF)
Advantages of the ULF S ys tem
Once a phone is paired to the system it will be able to automatically connect
to the BluetoothTM wireless network of the vehicle, the next time it is
introduced into the vehicle and the vehicle ignition is on.
Up to four different BluetoothTM phones can be paired to the system at one
time, although only one phone can be wirelessly connected at any time.
The phone does not need to be inserted into a phone specific cradle in order
to be integrated into the vehicle.
The phone can remain in a briefcase, purse, glove box, etc.; as long as it is
turned on and located within the interior of the vehicle.
The MFL buttons on the steering wheel can be utilized to place or receive a
call, to scroll the phone book and select a number or activate voice
recognition in order to dial a number via voice command.
A voice recognition system is integrated into the ULF control module and can
be activated by depressing the se nd/receive
The communications protocol of BluetoothTM wireless technology is
standardized irrespective of the manufacturer, this therefore allows various
mobile telephones that utilize BluetoothTM wireless technology and a
recognized profile to be connected to the ULF System.
S ys te m Ove rvie w
A ULF system consists of a control module, microphone, BluetoothTM antenna, a
stand-alone pairing (send/receive) button, or eject box with a coin tray insert.
ULF System Overview
ULF Control Module
The ULF module forms the interface between the BluetoothTM mobile phone
and the electronic system in the vehicle. The mobile phone with the embedded
BluetoothTM wireless technology is the transceiver, this requires that the phone
Universal BluetoothTM Hands-Free System (ULF)
be activated, paired and present within the vehicle network in order to place or
receive a call in the vehicle.
Oddment Tray
The oddment tray, which is connected to the ULF control module via the
vehicles wiring harness, serves the purpose of:
Housing the send/receive
or pairing button, which must be depressed
to activate the pairing procedure between the phone and the control module.
P airing Button
A stand-alone send/receive
order to retain the cup holders. The button provides the same function as the
send/receive button on the steering wheel, plus is the button that must be
or pairing button is supplied for the 3 Series in
depressed to activate the pairing procedure between the phone and the control
Blue toothTM Antenna
The BluetoothTM antenna operates on a frequency of 2.45 GHZ and is installed in
the interior compartment of the vehicle. This antenna provides the wireless
interface between the BluetoothTM enabled phone and the ULF Control Module.
Universal BluetoothTM Hands-Free System (ULF)
S ys tem Operation
Initial ope ration
Prior to using the system for the first time, the BluetoothTM mobile phone that is
to be used must be paired with the ULF control module. This pairing procedure
is necessary in order to assign the digital code of the mobile phone to the ULF
control module installed in the vehicle. The pairing procedure is only required
when a new phone is introduced to the ULF system for the very first time or the
list of paired devices is cleared form the memory of the ULF module, it does not
need to be performed every time the phone is used with the system.
After pairing, the mobile phone is recognized automatically by the ULF control
module within 45 seconds after it is introduced into the vehicle and the ignition is
turned on.
Note: Depending on the mobile phone manufacturer, particular care must be
taken prior to initial operation to ensure that no headset is coupled with the
mobile phone. Various devices may interpret the ULF control module as a
headset and request deactivation of the headset. Please refer to the operating
instructions of the mobile phone for detailed information.
P airing P roce dure
The pairing procedure that must be initiated through the phone will differ
corresponding to the different menu configurations of the various BluetoothTM
mobile phones on the market. The user’s manual of the phone manufacturer
should always be referenced for specific steps on how to activate the
BluetoothTM feature and to pair/link devices.
The following steps are generalized steps that should help in activating the
BluetoothTM function of most phones:
1. Depress the send /receive
(pairing) button located in the
center console, for at least 1
second prior to switching on the
ignition and continue to hold the
button down for approximately 2-
3 seconds after the ignition is
turned on.
2. Release the button.
Universal BluetoothTM Hands-Free System (ULF)
Note: The send/receive (pairing)
button in 5 Series and X5 SAV is
located on the oddment tray
assembly in the center console.
3. Shortly after releasing the button on the Radio or Display Screen, the
following message should be displayed:
a. Display Screen:
· “Bluetooth Pairing” displayed.
· Green, Yellow and Red LEDs
on the right side of the unit are
flashing which indicates that
the ULF is waiting for a signal
from the BluetoothTM device to
be paired.
b. Radio Display (5 Series and X5
· “Bluetooth Pairing” display
which indicates that the ULF is
searching for available
BluetoothTM devices.
· Green, Yellow and Red LEDs
on the right side of the unit are
flashing which indicates that
the ULF is waiting for a signal
from the BluetoothTM device to
be paired.
Universal BluetoothTM Hands-Free System (ULF)
c. Radio Display (3 Series with CD
or Cassette):
· “BT Pairing” display which
indicates that the ULF is
searching for available
BluetoothTM devices.
4. Activate the search function of the phone as indicated below.
1. Locate the connection/settings menu and select BluetoothTM
2. Select the response that will activate the BluetoothTM feature of the phone.
3. Next select a menu option that will allow you to “Discover” or “Search” for
active BluetoothTM devices.
4. If the phone identifies/finds a device (named “BMW” followed by 5 digits)
select it and follow the indicated steps to complete the pairing process.
5. Once the phone is successfully paired to the device cycle the vehicle
ignition switch off and back on and the devices should wirelessly connect
within 30 seconds. When the connection is established the phone will
display a connection symbol.
The following steps are an example of the pairing procedure that must be initiated
to pair the Sony Ericsson T68i phone to the ULF Control Module.
1. Press the menu button.
2. Select “Connect”.
3. Select option 3: “Bluetooth”.
4. Select option 4: “Options”.
5. Select option 1: “Operation mode” and set to “On” or “Automatic”.
6. Go back one step by pressing the red phone button several times.
7. Select option 3: “Discover”.
8. Mobile phone display shows ‘Searching’
9. Select “BMW ……” in upcoming list.
10. Select option 1: “Add to paired”.
Universal BluetoothTM Hands-Free System (ULF)
11. Enter the password (= ULF passkey) located on ULF Control Module that is
in the rear of the vehicle or on the Passkey Reference Card.
Mobile phone display shows ‘BMW …… Pairing’
Mobile phone display shows ‘Pairing Successful’
Display screen shows ‘Pairing succeeded’ for 3 seconds
12. Enter device name or accept the name that is automatically displayed.
13. Mobile phone display shows “Added to paired devices”.
14. Exit menu by pressing the red phone/NO button.
15. Once the phone is successfully paired to the device cycle the ignition
switch off and back on.
16. The devices should wirelessly
connect within 30 seconds.
The connection is established
when the phone displays the
symbols indicated, on the right
side of the screen.
Note : Shortly after turning on the ignition and the BluetoothTM connection is
identified, the phone may display a message asking if the connection should be
established/accepted. The connection authorization request will always occur
unless the setting on the phone is modified to allow automatic connection
every time, please refer to the user’s manual of the phone to determine how to
change this setting.
Universal BluetoothTM Hands-Free System (ULF)
S ys tem Functions
The mobile phone must always be activated, paired and present within the
BluetoothTM network in order to place or receive a call through the vehicle.
Indicator lamps
The indicator lamps show the following:
Active call (green light)
No mobile phone in range
(steady red light)
No network (flashing red
Adopting Te le phone Book
Depending on the type of BluetoothTM mobile phone, the telephone book is
either transferred automatically (ex. Nokia 6310, Sony Ericsson T68i) or manually
(depending on software version of phone) by the user to the ULF control module.
The address book is stored temporarily for the purpose of accessing/displaying
stored phonebook information using the steering wheel controls or telephone
menu selections available on the display screen or some radio displays.
If a manual transfer of the address book must be made, the ULF must be in
setup mode for manual transfer. The corresponding data can then be transferred.
If phonebook data is modified while the phone is wirelessly connected to the
vehicle the changes will not be displayed in the vehicle if the phonebook is
scrolled via the steering wheel or display screen, changes will only be transferred
the next time the ignition is cycled.
Placing a Call
A call can be placed in several different ways:
1. Using the keypad or address book of the mobile phone and depressing the
send button on the phone.
Note: Some phones may ask if the call is to remain within the phone. Refer
to the users manual of the phone for specific instructions on disabling this
Universal BluetoothTM Hands-Free System (ULF)
2. Depressing the R/T button on the steering wheel, then scrolling (using the
é or ê buttons) through the address book of the phone that is linked to the
ULF, until the desired number is displayed on the radio or display screen
and then depressing the send/receive
center console to place the call.
button on the steering wheel or
3. Depressing the
button on the steering wheel until an audible “beep”
is heard through the vehicle speakers, at this point a call can be placed by
using the following voice commands:
“Dial number” or “Dial phone”
After the system asks for a number say the number
Example: “123 456 7890”; the system will repeat the number
requested once you stop speaking momentarily, the number may also
be displayed depending on the vehicle and equipment/accessories
Note: Once the dial command is given the number will be displayed on
the display screen or radio; plus it will always be displayed on the
mobile phone after a call is placed.
4. Briefly depressing the
button on the steering wheel will redial the last
number dialed.
For more information on using voice commands refer to the “Owner’s
Manual for Voice Input System. The Convenient Alternative to Manual
Control” (P/N 84 11 027 942)
Re ce iving/Acce pting a Call
The call ringer in the BluetoothTM mobile phone is audible when an incoming call
signal is received. At the same time, the signal is sent via the BluetoothTM
interface in the mobile phone to the BluetoothTM antenna in the vehicle. The ULF
receives the incoming ring/call signal via the BluetoothTM antenna and mutes the
radio. The incoming ring/tone signal is then also transmitted to the vehicle
The following options are available for accepting a call:
3 Series without Display Screen:
· Press send/receive
· Press send/receive
button on MFL (Steering Wheel)
button in the center console
· Press send/receive key on mobile phone
5 Series and X5 SAV without Display Screen:
· Press send/receive
button on MFL (Steering Wheel)
· Press send/receive key on radio
· Press send/receive
button on the oddment tray (Center Console)
· Press send/receive key on mobile phone
Vehicles with Display Screen:
Universal BluetoothTM Hands-Free System (ULF)
· Press send/receive
· Press send/receive
button on MFL (Steering Wheel)
button on the oddment tray (Center Console)
· Select the green phone symbol on the Display Screen.
· Press send/receive key on mobile phone
Conducting a Call
If the call is accepted by pressing the send/receive key
on the Radio (5
series and X5 SAV), Display Screen, steering wheel or center console, it will be
conducted via the hands free microphone and vehicle speakers.
If a call is accepted by pressing the send/receive key on the mobile phone, the
reaction will depend on the type of handset. In the majority of cases, however,
the question appears:
"Do you wish to use the mobile phone?"
Please refer to the operating instructions of the mobile phone for a detailed
description of the operating procedure of the phone.
The hands-free function is activated after pressing the send/receive key. The
incoming call is encoded (scrambled) via the BluetoothTM interface in the mobile
phone and sent to the BluetoothTM antenna in the vehicle. The call is received by
the ULF control module and output via the radio to the audio speakers.
Since the ULF system provides a digital full-duplex hands-free operation, it is
possible to simultaneously speak and listen to calls. An echo cancellation
function prevents feedback when speaking into the microphone. The
microphone audio signal is sent via a hardwire connection to the ULF control
module. In the ULF module the received audio signal is scrambled via the
BluetoothTM module and transferred via the BluetoothTM antenna to the mobile
phone. The mobile phone then transmits the call via the phone antenna.
Universal BluetoothTM Hands-Free System (ULF)
Ending a Call
The following options are available for ending a call:
3 Series without Display Screen:
· Press send/receive
· Press send/receive
button on MFL (Steering Wheel)
button in the center console
· Press send/receive key on mobile phone
5 Series and X5 SAV without Display Screen:
· Press send/receive
button on MFL (Steering Wheel)
· Press send/receive key on radio
· Press send/receive
button on the oddment tray (Center Console)
· Press send/receive key on mobile phone
Vehicles with Display Screen:
· Press send/receive
· Press send/receive
button on MFL (Steering Wheel)
button on the oddment tray (Center Console)
· Select the green phone symbol on the Display Screen.
· Press send/receive key on mobile phone
Trans fer Active Call From P hone to ULF
If a call is received or placed via the handset, it can be transferred into the vehicle
once the phone is within the active BluetoothTM network of the vehicle.
Call transfer procedure:
1. Ignition must be on
2. BluetoothTM connection must be established
3. Briefly depress the send/receive button
located in the center console.
NOTE: Some phones may automatically display a statement asking the user if
the active call should be transferred to the ULF system shortly after the
BluetoothTM connection is established. If the request is acknowledged the call
is automatically transferred into the vehicle/ULF system without having to
depress the send/receive button
Trans fe r Active Call from ULF to P hone
If you are currently in an active call and you need to leave the vehicle the call can
be transferred into the handset in several ways.
1. Ignition is turned off and you walk away from the vehicle. Once outside the
10 m (32.8 ft) range a message may be displayed on the phone asking if the
current call should be maintained or ended, by maintaining the call it will be
transferred to the handset.
2. Depending on the model of phone being used the call can be transferred to
the handset by manually disconnecting from the BluetoothTM network via
Universal BluetoothTM Hands-Free System (ULF)
the connections menu or selecting a transfer function in the settings menu
of the phone (refer to the user’s manual of the phone for more information).
Linking S e ve ral Blue toothTM Mobile P hones
Up to four BluetoothTM mobile phones can be paired one after the other to the
ULF control module. The pairing operation corresponds to the procedure
described above.
The handset paired last has the highest priority. The telephone paired first will
drop out of the list if a fifth BluetoothTM mobile phone is paired.
Note: For incoming and outgoing calls, only the user connected first to the
system can speak via the hands-free facility.
If two users enter the network or connection range simultaneously, only the user
with the highest priority (the user last paired during the initial pairing procedure)
will be able to use the hands-free function for incoming & outgoing calls. If the
highest priority phone is turned off the phone with the next highest priority will be
Deleting Devices
The paired BluetoothTM mobile phones can only be deleted as a single group
from the ULF control module.
The pairing procedure must first be activated, and then the send/receive
button on the installed eject-box or the pairing button located at the rear of the
center console must again be depressed for an additional 10 seconds after the
“Bluetooth Pairing” message is displayed on the radio in order to clear the list of
paired devices from the control module and the message “paired devices
deleted” is displayed.
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